

Shimmering Luna

The moon rises, illuminating a world of ancient splendours. An otherworldly scent of incense, flowers and precious woods drifts through the night; it is a hauntingly beautiful brush with nature’s infinite mysteries.

SELENE is a perfumed tribute to the Ancient Greek Goddess of the Moon; a fragrant landscape painting of wild cypress forests, of mountains and islands of Ancient Greece.

FEATURED NOTES INCLUDE:- Cypress, Mt Atlas Mastic, Copal Protium, cold-pressed Lemon, Lily, White Lotus, Black Spruce, Pink Pepper, Juniper Berry, Royal Green Hojary Frankincense (Oman), Styrax absolute, Olibanum (Boswellia Carterii), Scots Pine resin, Australian (Santalum Spicatum) and Indian Sandalwood (Santalum Album).

Don’t expect SELENE to be fashionably safe or modern. She is a hypnotically beautiful sonnet woven in potent plant-based aromatics that conjure wild landscapes traversed by foot, horses, donkeys, chariots and ships.


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Select Size

30ml spray atomiser, 50ml French crystal, 50ml spray atomiser (Australia-wide)